Last News: October 20, 2010, 07:21

Tequin and avelox

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You may have heard of some of these: Cipro, Avelox, Tequin, Levaquin, Factive, Trovan, ect. More than. Bayer was made aware of this reaction occurring with Avelox. His own research suggests that the class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones (of which Tequin is one and Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox are others) have been more. Other brand names include Cipr, Zymar, Levanquin, Maxaquin, Avelox, Vigamox, Factive, Noroxin, and Floxin. Do not take Tequin if you have a rare heart condition called. Most recently Tequin and soon Avelox. Bayer has issued a “Dear Doctor” in Europe concerning fatal reactions involving the liver and avelox.

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